Cloud Ready

Serverless backend is ready for all users to monitor and download complete data remotely in real time. Online settings allows you to get notified important events by Slack or API.

How to login qNinjaLite

Initial Setup Install WebREPL (browser console for MicroPython). Press the green Code button and click Download ZIP at the bottom of the dropdown. Then unarchive the zip file. Move directory to safe place and open webrepl.html in browser. Recommend to add bookmark. Connect to qNinjaLite Launch qNinjaLite in AP Mode (button1) or Software Update Mode …

Mode in Detail : Software Update Mode (Button 2)

After booting qNinjaLite in “Software Update Mode”, you can upload program files to the device. Batch update The qNinjaLite repository contains a script that batch installs all programs into the device. Running this script is the simplest way to update the set of program files. Open a terminal app and execute the following command in …

Mode in Detail : AP Mode (Button 1)

To update WiFi settings of qNinjaLite, create a file named and upload it to the root directory of the device with WebREPL interface. Prepare Launch any editor app you like. Copy and paste below example and change preferred_aps array to all of the WiFi networks you want to use your qNinjaLite in. The …